Archivi tag: herzog

Saul Bellow-Herzog

Saul Bellow (1915-2005)

If I am out of my mind, it’s all right with me, thought Moses Herzog.
Some people thought he was cracked and for a time he himself had doubted that he was all there. But now, though he still behaved oddly, he felt confident, cheerful, clairvoyant, and strong. He had fallen under a spell and was writing letters to everyone under the sun. He was so stirred by these letters that from the end of June he moved from place to place with a valise full of papers. He had carried this valise from New York to Martha Vineyard, but returned from the Vineyard immediately; two days later he flew to Chicago, and from Chicago he went to a village in western Massachusetts. Hidden in the country, he wrote endlessly, fanatically, to the newspapers, to people in public life, to friends and relatives and at last to the dead, his own obscure dead, and finally the famous dead

Se sono matto, per me va benissimo, pensò Moses Herzog. C’era della gente che pensava che fosse toccato, e per qualche tempo persino lui l’aveva dubitato. Ma adesso, benché continuasse a comportarsi in maniera un po’ stramba, si sentiva pieno di fiducia, allegro, lucido e forte. Gli pareva d’essere stregato, e scriveva lettere alla gente più impensata. Era talmente infatuato da quella corrispondenza, che dalla fine di giugno, dovunque andasse, si trascinava dietro una valigia piena di carte. Se l’era portata, quella valigia, da New York a Martha’s Vineyard. Ma da Martha’s Vineyard era riscappato indietro subito; due giorni dopo aveva preso l’aereo per Chicago, e da Chicago era filato in un paesino del Massachussets occidentale. Lì, nascosto in mezzo alla campagna, scriveva a più non posso, freneticamente, ai giornali, agli uomini pubblici, ad amici e parenti e finì per scrivere pure ai morti, prima ai suoi morti e poi anche ai morti famosi.
(Traduzione: Letizia Ciotti Miller)

 Saul Bellow in New York in 1975, the year “Humboldt’s Gift,” about a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, was published.

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